Tuesday, October 31, 2006

I've been asked to write again

Due to the overwhelming popularity of the MMORPG, World of Warcraft, our Features editor has asked me to write a column from a player's perspective about being part of the World of Warcraft community.

The piece ought to be fun to write, but I haven't written for the paper in about 2 years. It's going to seem weird being published again.

Let us change the subject entirely. I just got my student loan payments up to date. I am going to be a poor mofo for about a week and a half (at which time more bills will roll in and I'll be a poor mofo for 2 more weeks.)

I broke a string playing tennis the other night and have to have my racquet re-strung. It's a good thing because the strings had already lasted almost a year and I have a tennis tournament coming up next week and I needed my gear up to par. It is also bad thing because it costs money for the strings and for the stringing. I also went ahead and told the guys at the pro shop to put a new grip on for me. I also have to pay for the entry into the tourney. Holy Crap... expenses, expenses, expenses!

Maybe it's time to start my side business as a man-whore.

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