Wednesday, April 18, 2007


I had a choice to play in a tennis tournament in Charlotte or a tournament in Fayetteville. I picked Fayetteville because it is ever-so-slightly closer and I wouldn't have have to play on Friday. There were tons of people signed up for my division, but not much for other divisions.

I get a message yesterday that the tournament is being cancelled due to lack of participation. What sucks is that now since the deadline has passed for both tournies...I am now unable to sign up for the tournament in Charlotte.

I really wanted to play this weekend. Oh well.

Now I have to figure out what to do with 48 hours of completely free time. I'd love to go watch shows at DSI this weekend, but I'm trying to cut down on gas usage since prices are now approaching $3.00/gallon.

My raise at work was supposed to kick in this past paycheck, but someone in the business office or HR screwed up the paperwork and they now owe me retro. You bust your ass for a company for nearly 5 years and they still screw you around. That's gratitude. Bastages!!!

1 comment:

Ted Hobgood said...

Sorry to hear about the cancellation; I know you were looking forward to it.

I'm betting there was plenty of people signed up for the tournament until they heard that Tommy "The Atomic Racket" Barbour was participating; then they all withdrew.