Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Warlocks, fuzzy balls, Jack Bauer, and other things that have kept me busy for the past month or so

I feel guilty for not blogging in a while. It's been over a month since my last entry.

A friend of mine approached me the other day and asked why I haven't been blogging lately.

None of the following are valid excuses, but will have to suffice...

- I have been playing a shit-ton of tennis

- I've gotten back into World of Warcraft and have started playing a female Blood Elf Warlock and she's up to level 23 now

- Work had gotten hectic for a brief period of time, but things are starting to calm down again

- I've actually gotten a chance to hang out friends that I rarely get to see any more

- I finally broke down and went to see a doctor about my on-going knee pain...I am now seeing a physical therapist

- During downtime, due to a slightly early exit from a tennis tournament, I have watched the first two season of 24 on DVD and am halfway through the 3rd season. 24 Is extremely wonderful... anything involving Elisha Cuthbert is wonderful!!!

- I have turned down a couple of dates because the girls smoked. Nasty! Nasty! Nasty!

- I went out on a date that was going fairly well until she started bad-mouthing her last date. I felt really sorry for the guy. He sounded nervous and her description of the scenario made her seem heartless. But hey, I got to eat at Olive Garden.

- In early May, I performed with Senor Bueno at the DSI Comedy Theater. Senor Bueno's gimmick is that they are masked hardcore luchadores. During one of the scenes Ted starting delivering knife-edge chops and the second one nailed my jaw. It hurt for a couple of days, but it was worth it. Ted also nailed me with a chair over the head. Oh the things I do for comedy.

- I was threatened at a FREE bar poker tournament and will never be playing in the league ever again. I called someone out for blatant cheating, in this case it was offering outside advice during a hand. I maintained my composure during the exchange and was very proud of how I handled the situation. The individual is very hot-headed and I have witnessed him do a lot of mouthing-off to several people when he loses and even when he catches cards to win. When FREE poker induces physical's time to call it quits.

- I've recently been given a new computer at work...complete with a 24-inch flat-panel's frackin' huge

- I have been practically living out of my car, being on the road so much lately. I finally took initiative and cleaned that bad boy out. I even took my car to a car wash and vacuumed the sum'bitch. It almost looks new again.

Okay time for lunch with Melissa and BJ.

I'll blog again soon. I promise.

1 comment:

Ted Hobgood said...

Damn, I wish I had the opportunity to turn down dates. You are one bigtime chick magnet Tommy. I hate you.