Thursday, March 29, 2007

Fuck You Tennis For Regulating Sleep

Tennis, you sir are indeed a bastard.

Oh, how I miss not being able to fall asleep until 3 or 4 in the morning.

I despise you for making me get a full 8 hours of sleep.

Screw you tennis! You are an obstruction to my current weight-gain techniques.

The only thing you're truly good for is the agony that you constantly inject into my knee.

Tuesday, March 20, 2007

One Scene...Two Groaners

ComedySportz, March 17th (St. Patrick's Day,) 2007...

During Styles Replay, which is one of my favorite games to play, I committed/received not one...but two groaner fouls. I felt my scenework with Zannie was kinda lame, but I did manage to make the most of a "dance party" scene. Zannie and I were dancing to U2 in the initial scene and the music was "changed" to something peppier. Mary O'Flaherty walked-on as the obnoxious party guest and grossed us out.

Groaner #1... During the Prehistoric replay, we were cavemen and I made a Rolling Stones reference to the music.

Groaner #2... During another replay (perhaps baryard), Mary's walk-on was as a chicken. As she was dancing I said something along the lines of "Wow! What a funky-chicken."

This was the first time I ever received 2 groaners in the same night as well as the same game. Ha! :)

I am starting to enjoy ComedySportz more and more, mainly because I think I am growing as an improvisor. I still make dumb mistakes, but nowadays I am able to identify my mistakes more easily. I am becoming a better listener and yes-anding is becoming easier as well. I still have a long way to go, but I am making a shit-ton of progress.

I think I might take another level 3 class sometime soon. Jeremy Griffin is teaching an upcoming class... Hmmm... Awfully tempting!!!