Tuesday, March 20, 2007

One Scene...Two Groaners

ComedySportz, March 17th (St. Patrick's Day,) 2007...

During Styles Replay, which is one of my favorite games to play, I committed/received not one...but two groaner fouls. I felt my scenework with Zannie was kinda lame, but I did manage to make the most of a "dance party" scene. Zannie and I were dancing to U2 in the initial scene and the music was "changed" to something peppier. Mary O'Flaherty walked-on as the obnoxious party guest and grossed us out.

Groaner #1... During the Prehistoric replay, we were cavemen and I made a Rolling Stones reference to the music.

Groaner #2... During another replay (perhaps baryard), Mary's walk-on was as a chicken. As she was dancing I said something along the lines of "Wow! What a funky-chicken."

This was the first time I ever received 2 groaners in the same night as well as the same game. Ha! :)

I am starting to enjoy ComedySportz more and more, mainly because I think I am growing as an improvisor. I still make dumb mistakes, but nowadays I am able to identify my mistakes more easily. I am becoming a better listener and yes-anding is becoming easier as well. I still have a long way to go, but I am making a shit-ton of progress.

I think I might take another level 3 class sometime soon. Jeremy Griffin is teaching an upcoming class... Hmmm... Awfully tempting!!!

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